soul wisdom oracle cards

Mystic Tarot Insights

mystic owl

Two of Wands

Imagery: A figure in red robes stands on a castle wall, holding a globe in one hand and a wand in the other. Another wand is fixed to the wall behind him. He gazes out at the horizon, contemplating his next move.

Meaning: This card symbolizes planning, foresight, and making important decisions. It encourages stepping outside one's comfort zone and taking control of future ambitions.

Arcana: Minor

Words: planning, progress, looking forward, discovery, duality, choice

Reversed: Feeling stuck. Lack of Vision.

Yes/No: Yes.

Element: Fire

Astrological: Aries

The 3-card reading is FREE to use. We plan to offer more insight tools in the future. In the meantime, if you would like to buy us a coffee it would help cover costs and be greatly appreciated!

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