soul wisdom oracle cards

Mystic Tarot Insights

mystic owl


Imagery: An angel stands with one foot in water and the other on land, pouring liquid between two cups. Behind them, a path leads toward the sunrise, signifying balance and harmony.

Meaning: Temperance represents moderation, patience, and blending opposing forces for balance. It encourages a calm, steady approach in all areas of life.

Arcana: Major

Words: economy, moderation, frugality, management

Reversed: Excess, conflict, disunion, frustration, impatience, chaos.

Yes/No: Yes

Element: Fire

Astrological: Jupiter

Zodiac: Sagittarius

The 3-card reading is FREE to use. We plan to offer more insight tools in the future. In the meantime, if you would like to buy us a coffee it would help cover costs and be greatly appreciated!

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