soul wisdom oracle cards

Mystic Tarot Insights

mystic owl

Queen of Wands

Imagery: A queen sits on a throne adorned with sunflowers and lions. She holds a wand in one hand and a sunflower in the other, radiating warmth and vitality. A black cat sits at her feet.

Meaning: The Queen of Wands represents confidence, charisma, and independence. She encourages self-assurance, leadership, and creative expression.

Arcana: Minor

Words: inspiration, passion, optimism, good advice

Reversed: Opposition, jealousy, deceit, infidelity.

Yes/No: Yes.

Element: Fire

Astrological: Leo

The 3-card reading is FREE to use. We plan to offer more insight tools in the future. In the meantime, if you would like to buy us a coffee it would help cover costs and be greatly appreciated!

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