soul wisdom oracle cards

Mystic Tarot Insights

mystic owl

Five of Cups

Imagery: A cloaked figure stands in sorrow, looking down at three spilled cups. Two upright cups remain behind him, but he does not notice them. A river flows nearby, with a bridge leading to a distant castle.

Meaning: The Five of Cups signifies loss, regret, and disappointment. It reminds us to acknowledge grief but also to recognize what remains. It encourages emotional healing and moving forward.

Arcana: Minor

Words: grief, mourning, sadness, loss, disappointment, regret, self-pity

Reversed: Return of a loved one. Hopeful expectations.

Yes/No: No. Loss, Distress

Element: Water

Astrological: Scorpio

The 3-card reading is FREE to use. We plan to offer more insight tools in the future. In the meantime, if you would like to buy us a coffee it would help cover costs and be greatly appreciated!

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